My sleep philosophy
One size doesn’t fit all.
I’m here to rock the boat in sleep support. I want you to feel empowered in your values, educated in your opinions, and confident about your choices. In Social Work, we like to work in a multi-disciplinary way, and in my sleep work, I feel the same. I will take you on a unique path so you can feel great about your relationship with your baby (while getting more sleep). If I do not have the answers you need, I will refer you to a professional that does.
Support, engage & plan
I work with parents in a similar way that I work with Service Users as a social worker;
I involve parents as PARTNERS in achieving good outcomes for their children.
I SUPPORT parent’s ability to parent their children effectively.
I ENGAGE parent’s directly in a mutually supportive relationship.
And I DESIGN a system/plan that works for both the child and the parent. I believe in flexibility.
I do not use traditional sleep training methods, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have loads of ideas for gently leading a baby toward better sleep. There are “baby-led” changes as well as “parent-led” changes. I aim to equip each parent that I work with, with the knowledge and confidence to decide the best path for them! Babies and families all function very differently. Infants have different needs, temperaments, and rates of development. All families have different goals and values!
My approach focuses on relationship and development above all else.
I do not advocate any form of cry it out.
Although I have total understanding and compassion for families that choose sleep training, you won’t find me advocating it. I am a Social Worker, and knowing what I now know about infant brain development, neuroscience, sleep biology, feeding and attachment, I just can’t recommend separation-based sleep training or crying methods.
Support your baby through changes and tears.
Of course, babies cry- I know that (mom of 3 here)! Although there may be some tears from your baby if you’re making a parent-led change such as night weaning, you’ll learn how to support your baby through them rather than leaving them to figure it out alone. I will teach you about when and how tears are a necessary form of emotional expression for our child, so that you can feel confident in supporting them without fear of “spoiling" them or leaving them alone with their feelings.
Deepen your understanding of your baby as a whole person.
After my two-week support program, I will help you understand your baby as a whole person- from their temperament and attachment profile, to the way they form these attachments. I will acquaint you with knowledge about their sleep and nutritional needs. I can teach you practical things like safe sleeping guidance, when to drop a nap, and how to support your child through big changes like moving to their own bed. But really, once you’ve gotten that foundational understanding of who your child is as a person, the sleep piece will kind of “click” into place- you’ll be more confident, more tuned in, and more at ease about the whole thing.